Sunday, May 29, 2011

Sorry Sorry Sorry

Oh my gosh it has been so long since I have posted anything on my blog! I am so sorry! We have been really busy and I am graduating in two weeks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I have my dress and my new white little heels and it is just perfect! :) I can't believe we only have 2 weeks of school left!

I played in church today, the violin, in front of the whole congregation! I was so nervous but then again I better get used to it because my mom is the choir director so she'll be asking much more. I got bribed to do it because I really didn't want to do play in front of everybody. I mean, I've already been asked by my violin teacher to play with her in Relief Society, and I couldn't say no to her..... SHE IS MY VIOLIN TEACHER for heaven's sake....... and it would be plain disrespectful.

So I also get to go to Disneyland for graduation with all of my 6th grade friends! It will be so fun! :) Well I think that is most of the news. Wait Chase is almost walking! He will take about two steps and then just stand there. He is a very good balancer. :)


P.s. Comment Back :) :) :)


Ryan said...

I'm sure your violin playing was excellent! You are so talented!

I can't believe you're graduating. That is so cool! I can't wait to hear all about it!

Chase is about to walk!? So cute!

Jacob said...

loren your a great sister.

Loren Hunter said...

i know right he is so adorable!